Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Academic vanity

Feeling vaguely useless as I stick around for another year of this unglorious life, despite having written a dissertation - yes, I am smugly holding onto fellowship funding until the next thing wanders my way - I decided to see if I could download my citations into Endnote, because I am intolerably bad at entering references properly.

We all know about these academic women, who, upon finding a tolerable man, are whisked off to wed, but don't change their name anywhere noticeable. This is not a refusal of a new name, a sharp feminist rebuke to the man who dared ask, simply that you must keep publishing under the same name, or your dear followers get confused.
But oh, as I discovered, you can get in trouble with initials too. I happily assumed that the ISI Web of Science gods had deemed my early record beneath their contempt and thus Ryan, SJ is wowing the world with an astounding three co-authored pubs. But then I realised that something didn't add up. So I went back into WoS, snorkeling around, armed with some keywords (there are a lot of my doppel gang working in the strange world of clinical statistical papers with a high spewjargon factor) - didn't I work on Gorillas? Wasn't that Oecologia paper likely to show up somewhere like this? I may be buried in co-author lists, but I did my part. Who is this Ryan, S and who does she work for?

So call it vanity, call it my unpreparedness, but I now appear to have two academic names already. Shame.

Ah, yes, the CHE has a nice one about my nemesis, the impact factor:


At 8:18 PM, Blogger thixotropic said...

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